Sunday, January 8, 2012

Armed and Dangerous

My study in I Peter has been rich. After all, you can’t talk about the role of authority in our lives—especially in independent-minded America, without stimulating a lively discussion. Or how about the role of women in the home, in the church, in the community? And then there’s that challenging word, “suffering,” that doesn’t quite fit into our “faith” theology or jive with our misconception that “I’ve been good so therefore God owes me a life of ease.” In fact, Peter uses military terminology, “arm yourself,” to tell us to mentally prepare to deal with hard times that are part of God’s will for us. (I Peter 3:14-4:1)
                Seeing the devastation caused by earthquakes, tsunamis, and aftershocks in Haiti, Japan, Indonesia and New Zealand, for example, we can see why the Apostle Peter would write to First Century suffering Christians and tell them to view hardship and persecution, both personal and societal, as an open door for ministering to people’s needs and for sharing the hope we have in Christ. Let's be alert and see life as filled with opportunities!