Friday, September 16, 2011

Aint No Ants on Me!

               When we first moved into our new condo we struggled with periodic invasions of itty-bitty ants. We discovered the building site was formerly a massive ant hill. At the most unexpected times an almost microscopic chain gang crew dressed in black would march across our tile floor or invade the laundry or bathroom. Sneaky little critters! Always looking for a hole or crack that would let them in.
                Sort of like sin, hu? Little—like white lies. Seemingly harmless. But relentless. Finding the holes in our armor.
                Yes, I rubbed them out with the sole of my shoe. And I called the exterminator. No ants welcome here. Satan, be gone! As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011


The other day I was reminded of the inspirational idea given to me by an older friend when I was a young mom. She said she looked every day for an opportunity to “anonymously” bless someone in her family—to do something nice, something unexpected, something not done for reward, thanks or recognition for her husband or one of her children each day. Have I done it every day of my life? No. But more times than I would have without the inspiration. So—in the busyness of getting back to school and routine, look for ways to quietly bless those around you. God, who sees in secret, rewards openly.

Monday, August 15, 2011

"Costume and Prop" Envy

     The Apostle Paul, suffering in a Roman prison, encouraged Philippian believers to remain strong, to rejoice always in their salvation and to remain focused on God and His purpose for their lives. Saying yes to God is saying yes to His script for me. He provides the “costumes and the props”, so to speak, that will best suit the role He enlisted me to fill. This means the opportunities and experiences presented to me will be unique—simply because my role is unique.
     When I wrap my mind around this revelation, oh, how freeing it is! It means I don’t have to be envious of others or frustrated with the options I did/didn’t have presented to me or the talents I do/don’t have. If I don’t have what I need in order to accomplish something, then either I’m trying to do something outside His plan for me--or that is His window for a miracle. (We all want miracles; we just don’t want to be in a place where we need one, but a miracle is only a miracle if I can’t do it on my own!)
Hudson Taylor said it this way, “God’s work, done God’s way, will have God’s provision.”
     So ask yourself: 1) What is God’s purpose for me? 2) Am I doing that? 3) Have I gotten side-tracked into things that aren’t in His purpose for me? 4) Am I distracted by looking at other people’s “costumes and props”? 5) Do I expect God to do miracles to fulfill His purpose through me?"
"His divine power has given us all things that pertain unto life and godliness . . ." II Peter 1:3

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Subtly Self-righteous

                Ever find yourself expecting people to think and act just like you? How do you respond when they don’t? Compliment them on their creativity---their ability to think outside the box (your box) . . . Or comment on their obviously inferior intellect, info-gathering process or spirituality?
                The other day I found myself saying, “I just can’t imagine doing . . . .” and the Holy Spirit slammed me against the wall with one word, “self-righteous.” ME?? Yes, me. I was reminded that if I’d been given that person’s upbringing, experiences, tragedies, etc., that would be me—or worse.
                “And furthermore,” the Holy Spirit said loudly, “you can learn something from that person.” What! LEARN SOMETHING—“Well, yes (said I, still righteously), learn what not to do.”
                And then Holy Spirit said gently, “No, learn to have compassion, grace and patience; to cover another’s sin; not to judge before knowing all the facts; not to make myself feel righteous (filthy rags to Him) by belittling someone else.” There are riches to be learned from those who rub me the wrong way, irritate me, disappoint me or come at life from a perspective different than mine. Next time I’m tempted to say, “I would never . . .” may I say instead, “Teach me, Lord.”

Monday, July 18, 2011

Guided By His Eye

     Meditating on "I will guide you with my eye," Psalm 32:8, has made me pay attention to unplanned events in my life. Like the other day. When I got home from buying groceries, I discovered the clerk had made an error . . . so back I went. As I left the store for the second time, I greeted a young church family coming in to shop.
     Back in my car, I asked God why the mistake when I was so busy.
     He said He'd orchestrated it so I would meet that family; I was to go back and give them $xx. By now I was driving out of the parking lot--so I looped around, parked again and went back inside.
     Finding the wife, I explained about coming back because of the mistake (I wanted her to know it really was God!), and that God told me it was so I would meet them because I was to give them some $$. She burst into tears--they were short for groceries for the week.
     God knew their need and cared!
     I cannot tell you how glad I was that I was watching and listening. And obedient.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Show Is Better Than Tell

     When I was a little girl, my mother sang hymns every day from morning til night . . . and I probably know the words to every verse of every hymn in most hymnbooks! What a heritage :)
     My vivid picture of my mother includes her curly brown hair, warm smile, cotton dress that she no doubt made, white anklets and canvas shoes . . . cooking, sewing, working in her garden or visiting shut-ins or teaching Sunday school or VBS, always with an eye for the poor and needy . . . and always singing.
     My style was a bit different . . . when our children were small and up until they went to high school, I would tuck them into bed and then sit on the end of one of their beds or in a chair and sing them to sleep. I sang the same simple songs, all in the same key, night after night, putting my heart into them so they would get a feel for the sound of personal worship.
     Years later, on the first mission trip the girls and I took to Mexico, Devorah was invited to sing as all the girls snuggled down to sleep. Imagine my amazement when, beginning with "Open My Eyes, Lord, I Want To See Jesus," she sang my old repertoire!
     One day about ten years ago, I rode with Tim to Wenatchee. As he drove out of the driveway, he began to sing "Sweet Adoration," another of my old songs. I commented on it, and he replied, "Mom, it's one of my favorites."
     When granddaughter Lucy (Rachel's daughter) was 3 1/2, I babysat for her overnight. I tucked her into bed, kissed her good night, we said prayers, and then I sat on the end of her bed and began to sing . . . of course, my old and loved songs. As I began, her little voice came from the pillow, "My mommy sings that to me." My heart swelled up with joy. As I finished "Oh, Lord, You're Beautiful" and began "Jesus, Name Above All Names, she whispered, "My mommy sings that song, too."
     Tears filled my eyes. God, You are faithful!
     So, with my little story, I challenge you, "Are you "showing" your faith to your children?" It doesn't have to be the way my mother did it, or the way I did it--be yourself--but remember, "Show is better than tell!"
P.S. Devorah went on to sing with the Virginia Opera, Tim is Director of Worship for Menlo Park Presbyterian in MP, CA, and Rachel sings on the worship team for Open Doors Presbyterian in Walnut Creek, CA. And they are each serving Jesus. Thank you, mother, for showing me the way so I could pass it on!

Monday, June 27, 2011

No Question About It!

I’ve been meditating on the life of Moses. Thinking about him leading the people, seeing God do INCREDIBLE MIRACLES. Yet when it came time to cross into the Promised Land, only two men had faith in God and the rest couldn’t control their spirits or their tongues—and they influenced an entire generation. With the exception of Joshua and Caleb, all of Moses’s peers, i.e. his friends, relatives, closest companions and his leadership team, DIED IN THE WILDERNESS. Forty years of grief! I don’t know about you . . . but I DO NOT intend to lose out on what God has promised. And what has He promised? A coming revival. So help me God, I’m going into the Promised Land. Lift up your eyes, keep the promise in front of you, and press on with me! Let’s make this a “break-through summer”!!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Life Is In The Lens

Recently I was sharing with someone that our life has held many challenges, but we chose to see each situation as an opportunity to grow, to know God better, to see a miracle, to deepen our ability to minister. With Paul's recent (and fourth) surgery for his brain tumor (not cancer but not removable) we realized that we have ministered to more folks with brain tumors in the past 2 years than we'd ever even heard about in our whole lives! To say nothing of doctors, nurses and care givers. God has provided for us and sent us to places and people we'd never have met otherwise. Life in Christ is all in our perspective . . . and it's been a gift, even to me . . . we've spent more time together just talking, watching movies, playing Scrabble (some say we are competitive--we play 7-800 point games), than in our whole married life. I am treasuring this time. God is good. 

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Yearning for You

As I sang “I Want to Yearn for You” in worship on a recent Sunday, I puzzled over how one stirs up a sense of yearning. Then I felt God say that HE initiated yearning: “God so loved that He gave . . .” Jn. 3:16. Our yearning is simply a response to His love. Look around you. Do you see God’s handiwork in nature? Has He been a faithful Friend? Are you touched by His followers who are His hands extended in mercy and grace? And when you read His Word, is your heart stirred by His yearning to fellowship with you?  Respond to God’s yearning for a deeper relationship with you. Make it your priority for summer 2011!

Friday, June 24, 2011

God Loves Red Shoes

God loves red shoes. Yes, He does!
While waiting at my hairdresser for my turn, I flipped through a current women's magazine. A page listing new looks for the season caught my eye. First and foremost was red shoes. Now, for those who don't know me--I LOVE red! For a month, every time I shopped, I looked for red shoes. Oh, I found some--too gawdy, too orange, too fussy, too expensive. Then one Monday I spied a pair of red pumps, size 8, for $13 on Macy’s sale rack. They were perfect! Triumphant with my purchase, I hurried home.
But what to wear them with? Every day I put them on and took them off again. Finally, Sunday morning while still in bed, I decided I am going to wear those shoes today. So . . . after changing outfits three times, I was finally ready to go. “Good morning, God,” I said out loud as I picked up my Bible and impulsively flipped it open. Song of Solomon 7:1 leaped off the page at me, "How beautiful are thy feet with shoes, O prince's daughter!"
God loves red shoes—because God loves ME!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Charles University

Interesting bit of information: Charles University in Prague was the first university in eastern Europe . . . and instruction was bilingual: Czech and German. Even as today in Europe, many people spoke more than one language. Country borders changed frequently and what was one day Germany, the next day was Czech--or Poland--or Hungary--or Austria. Talk about identity crisis!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A cloak is just a cloak. Right? Wrong.

And silly me . . . I thought using the word "cloak" was a simple way to wrap up my characters against nasty weather. Seems I was wrong! European rich folks in the middle ages wore fur cloaks: Ermine if you were royalty or clergy. Furs from sable and mink to fox and bear or fine wool trimmed with ermine or rabbit. Coarse wool sufficed for the peasants, serfs, and servants. Guess I'd be wearing wool--but that bit of gypsy blood in me would have trimmed it with rabbit, for sure!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Brand New

Well, here I am embarking on a whole new adventure in "blog"land! Stay tuned for all my news.