Sunday, July 31, 2011

Subtly Self-righteous

                Ever find yourself expecting people to think and act just like you? How do you respond when they don’t? Compliment them on their creativity---their ability to think outside the box (your box) . . . Or comment on their obviously inferior intellect, info-gathering process or spirituality?
                The other day I found myself saying, “I just can’t imagine doing . . . .” and the Holy Spirit slammed me against the wall with one word, “self-righteous.” ME?? Yes, me. I was reminded that if I’d been given that person’s upbringing, experiences, tragedies, etc., that would be me—or worse.
                “And furthermore,” the Holy Spirit said loudly, “you can learn something from that person.” What! LEARN SOMETHING—“Well, yes (said I, still righteously), learn what not to do.”
                And then Holy Spirit said gently, “No, learn to have compassion, grace and patience; to cover another’s sin; not to judge before knowing all the facts; not to make myself feel righteous (filthy rags to Him) by belittling someone else.” There are riches to be learned from those who rub me the wrong way, irritate me, disappoint me or come at life from a perspective different than mine. Next time I’m tempted to say, “I would never . . .” may I say instead, “Teach me, Lord.”

1 comment:

  1. What a terrific reminder! And so true! So guilty of this, every single day. Glad when I am convicted of it!
