Saturday, January 4, 2014

Father, Forgive Them (Me!)

Those who deserve forgiveness the least need it the most! When I refuse to forgive and be reconciled, I have made a place for the enemy. The consequences may not show up right away, but we reap what we sow (and our children reap what we sow . . . in rebellion, in bitterness). The mercy we get from God is dependent on the mercy we show others (If you do not forgive, your heavenly father will not forgive you--yikes!) God even forgave unfaithful Israel and took her back. He modeled forgiveness. He forgave the two thieves, the Roman soldiers, you and me--and he welcomed all who ask for forgiveness into His kingdom. How can we, His disciples, do any less?? And true forgiveness (seventy times seven) never reminds the one forgiven of their past failures . . . So today, the question is: Am I a true disciple--or am I hanging on to my "rights", my "superior character", my "judgmentalism" my "you don't deserve" -- or have I truly embraced the cross and forgiven those who crucified me? It's a test! With eternal consequences . . .

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